October 5, 2024

Call to Release All 11J Political Prisoners in Cuba

Call to Release All 11J Political Prisoners in Cuba

Today, we mark two years since tens of thousands of Cubans across the entire island raised their voices for their fundamental freedoms. The United States stands in solidarity with those in Cuba who continue to desire a free democracy where their voices are heard, their businesses prosper, and their children can achieve a brighter future. The world will not forget those who bravely made their voices heard in the face of extreme repression, including the more than 700 individuals who remain in Cuban jails, condemned to prison sentences ranging up to 25 years for exercising their freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly.

The U.S. government has imposed several rounds of sanctions and visa restrictions targeting those individuals and entities involved in human rights abuses, including the harsh treatment of July 11th protestors. We reiterate our call for the immediate release of unjustly detained political prisoners and urge the international community to join us in demanding the Cuban government release the hundreds of students, journalists, artists, young people, and others unjustly imprisoned.

Official news published at https://www.state.gov/call-to-release-all-11j-political-prisoners-in-cuba/