October 26, 2024

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Kerry’s Travel to Kenya and Romania

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Kerry’s Travel to Kenya and Romania

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry will travel to Nairobi, Kenya, and Bucharest, Romania, September 4-7 to advance shared objectives on climate and clean energy.

In Nairobi, Secretary Kerry will participate in the Africa Climate Summit , where he will engage with leaders, ministers, and civil society representing countries from Africa in the effort to respond to the climate crisis.  At the Summit, Secretary Kerry will highlight U.S. efforts as part of President Biden’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE) initiative to help half a billion people in developing countries, especially in Africa, adapt to climate impacts this decade.  He will also highlight the role that carbon market initiatives, including the Energy Transition Accelerator (ETA), can play in catalyzing private capital and accelerating the clean energy transition in developing countries.

In Bucharest, Secretary Kerry will participate in the Three Seas Initiative  summit, focused on developing transport, energy, and digital infrastructure connections between European nations located between the Baltic, Adriatic, and Black seas.  He will underscore how an accelerated clean energy transition is strengthening energy security and resilience in Central and Eastern Europe.  He will also underscore the promise of new, secure, and safe nuclear technologies, including Romania’s leadership role in building the first small modular reactor (SMR) in Europe.

For media inquiries, please contact [email protected].

Official news published at https://www.state.gov/special-presidential-envoy-for-climate-kerrys-travel-to-kenya-and-romania/