October 17, 2024

Cross-Party Coalition in Germany Backs Iranian Uprising and Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan

Cross-Party Coalition in Germany Backs Iranian Uprising and Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan

Cross-Party Coalition in Germany Backs Iranian Uprising and Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan

On Thursday, September 28, a conference was held in Berlin with representatives from various parties of the Federal Parliament, focusing on supporting the Iranian people’s uprising and the Ten-Point Plan presented by the Iranian Resistance.

The keynote speaker, President-elect of the (NCRI) Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated, “In the past year, Khamenei used all the regime’s military, intelligence, and political resources in an attempt to control the society, but he failed. The society  resist the regime."

The keynote speaker, President-elect of the (NCRI) Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated, “In the past year, Khamenei used all the regime’s military, intelligence, and political resources in an attempt to control the society, but he failed. The society resist the regime.”

Mrs. Rajavi, "The regime was unable to stop the relentless actions of the Resistance Units. During the brief anniversary period of the uprising, these units conducted 400 anti-repression operations and the regime could not reduce its fundamental instability.”

Mrs. Rajavi, “The regime was unable to stop the relentless actions of the Resistance Units. During the brief anniversary period of the uprising, these units conducted 400 anti-repression operations and the regime could not reduce its fundamental instability.”

MP Diana Stöcker, “Since the start of this year, 520 individuals have faced execution in Iran. The precise number is unknown. We, in Germany and globally, cannot remain mere bystanders to these crimes.If we oppose dictatorship, we must actively seek a solution."

MP Diana Stöcker, “Since the start of this year, 520 individuals have faced execution in Iran. The precise number is unknown. We, in Germany and globally, cannot remain mere bystanders to these crimes.If we oppose dictatorship, we must actively seek a solution.”

MP Carsten Müller emphasized, “We need to bring the severe suppression orchestrated by the Iranian regime into the public eye and apply pressure against it. The Revolutionary Guard constitutes a terrorist criminal organization."

MP Carsten Müller emphasized, “We need to bring the severe suppression orchestrated by the Iranian regime into the public eye and apply pressure against it. The Revolutionary Guard constitutes a terrorist criminal organization.”

Mrs. Rajavi ,”Germany and the European Union should advocate for designating the regime as a threat to peace and security under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.”

Various parliamentary groups, the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), Christian Social Union (CSU), Free Democratic Party (liberal), and Die Linkspartei (left-wing), were at the conference.”


PARIS, FARANCE, October 4, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — The National Council of Resistance of Iran-(NCRI) Foreign Affairs Committee in an article stated that on Thursday, September 28, a conference was held in Berlin with representatives from various parties of the Federal Parliament, focusing on supporting the Iranian people’s uprising and the Ten-Point Plan presented by the Iranian Resistance. In this event, titled “Iran: One Year after the Popular Uprising,” notable attendees included members of the Bundestag, the German Federal Parliament, who voiced their support for a democratic, secular, and nuclear-free Republic of Iran.

Various parliamentary groups, including the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), Christian Social Union (CSU), Free Democratic Party (liberal), and Die Linkspartei (left-wing), were represented at the conference. Key participants from the Federal Parliament included Mrs. Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, Chairwoman of the Federal Parliament’s Legal Committee, Mr. Carsten Müller, a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, Dr. Michael Meister, Diana Stöcker, Jens Peick, Knut Gerschau, Thomas Lutze, Gökay Akbulut, and Alexander Föhr.

Also in attendance were Ms. Stefanie Bung, Deputy Chair of the Christian Democratic Parliamentary Group in the Berlin Parliament, and Mr. Martin Patzelt, a former representative of the Federal Parliament and co-chair of the German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran.

As a keynote speaker, President-elect of the National Council of Iran Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated, “In the past year, Khamenei used all the regime’s military, intelligence, and political resources in an attempt to control the society, but he failed. The society continues to resist the regime, and any small incident could trigger another nationwide uprising. The regime was unable to stop the relentless actions of the Resistance Units. During the brief anniversary period of the uprising, these units conducted 400 anti-repression operations. In addition, the regime could not reduce its fundamental instability.”

“Despite the fact that all the factors that triggered the uprisings in 2017, 2019, and 2022 are still in play, the Iranian regime and its allies try to pretend that there are no more uprisings, and the regime has succeeded in controlling the situation. This is a dangerous mistake, but many European governments are making the same mistake. Therefore, some governments have taken a passive approach towards the regime’s terrorism and hostage-taking. When the regime takes foreign citizens hostage, these governments give in, instead of taking a strong stance.”

“One of the most harmful consequences of this mistake is that it provides opportunities for the mullahs’ secret agents and their lobbies. Their main mission is to spread false information about the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK),and the NCRI. They promote the big lie that there is no alternative to the regime and that appeasement of the regime is the only option.”

Calling on the international community for a firm stance vis-à-vis the clerical regime, Mrs. Rajavi demanded:

• Recognize the right to resist, as outlined in the German Constitution, for the Iranian people.

• Include the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) on the EU list of terrorist organizations.

• Activate the trigger mechanism against the mullahs’ nuclear program, following UN Security Council Resolution 2231, by the European Troika.

• Germany and the European Union should advocate for designating the regime as a threat to global peace and security under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

• MP Carsten Müller emphasized, “We need to bring the severe suppression orchestrated by the Iranian regime into the public eye and apply pressure against it. The Revolutionary Guard constitutes a terrorist criminal organization. Media reports. Hinting at the Iranian regime’s current strategic infiltration are alarming, and we should thoroughly investigate this. It’s unacceptable for propagandists of the clerical regime to hold pivotal positions in the German Foreign Ministry. If this holds true, we shouldn’t be astonished by the accusations occasionally directed at the National Council of Resistance of Iran. In Iran, we’re confronted with an exceptionally merciless regime, highly organized. The regime employs various means, including extortion, hostage-taking, human trafficking, and, as we’ve witnessed, deploying terrorists under diplomatic guise.”

• MP Diana Stöcker also said, “Since the start of this year, 520 individuals have faced execution in Iran. The precise number remains unknown. We, in Germany and globally, cannot remain mere bystanders to these atrocities. Implementing broad sanctions and designating the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization are impactful actions the European Union has yet to enact. If we oppose dictatorship, we must actively seek a solution. Personally, I find the Ten-Point Plan put forth by the National Council of Resistance highly compelling. This plan garners recognition not only within Iranian communities in Germany but also on an international scale. It’s viewed as a fundamental blueprint for a democratic constitution in Iran. This is why I’ve committed to supporting this democratic resistance.”

• Katrin Bornmüller, Honorary President of the International Society for Human Rights in Germany, emphasized, “In 1988, 30,000 opponents of the Iranian regime were brutally murdered. One of the judges from that time is now the country’s president. The residents of Ashraf-3 can testify to these heinous crimes. The Iranian regime is determined to eradicate these witnesses at any cost. Hence, it is the international responsibility of democratic nations to safeguard these witnesses.”

• During the Berlin conference, a group of former political detainees and families of victims of the 1988 massacre offered witness accounts, providing testimonies on the regime’s atrocities within Iran’s prisons.

Note: The text of the speeches has been translated from German to English

Shahin Gobadi
+33 6 61 65 32 31
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Canada—Sep. 29-30, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and MEK supporters held rallies in commemoration of the martyrs of Zahedan Bloody Friday .

Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as Cross-Party Coalition in Germany Backs Iranian Uprising and Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan