September 7, 2024

Statement from Secretary Mayorkas on Racially-Motivated Shooting in Jacksonville, FL

Statement from Secretary Mayorkas on Racially-Motivated Shooting in Jacksonville, FL

Statement from Secretary Mayorkas on Racially-Motivated Shooting in Jacksonville, FL

Release Date: August 26, 2023

WASHINGTON — Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas released the following statement this evening regarding the racially-motivated shooting earlier today in Jacksonville, FL:

“The Department of Homeland Security is closely monitoring the situation surrounding this afternoon’s racially-motivated shooting in Jacksonville, Florida that led to the tragic, senseless death of three innocent people today. We are and will continue to provide support to law enforcement and to the Jacksonville community to help keep Floridians safe.”

“I have spoken with Jacksonville Mayor Deegan and to national civil rights leaders. Too many Americans – in Jacksonville and across our country – have lost a loved one because of racially-motivated violence. The Department of Homeland Security is committed to working with our state and local partners to help prevent another such abhorrent, tragic event from occurring.”


Last Updated: 09/13/2023
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