October 17, 2024

Assistant Secretary Noyes Travels to Kenya

Assistant Secretary Noyes Travels to Kenya

Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Julieta Valls Noyes will visit Kenya on official travel from July 17 – 21.  Assistant Secretary Noyes will meet with government officials to highlight our commitment to U.S.-Kenya partnership on finding inclusive ways to protect and assist refugees.  She will also advance innovative partnerships in the refugee response in Kenya and on climate change and migration.

During her trip, Assistant Secretary Noyes will meet with government officials, international organization and NGO partners, and observe the on-the-ground impact of their work with refugee populations, conflict victims, and vulnerable migrants.  Noyes will interact with refugees in urban and rural settings and visit the U.S. Resettlement Support Center.

Official news published at https://www.state.gov/assistant-secretary-noyes-travels-to-kenya/