October 5, 2024

Protesting Moscow’s Designation of the Anglo-American School as a “Foreign Agent”

Protesting Moscow’s Designation of the Anglo-American School as a “Foreign Agent”

The United States protests the Russian government’s egregious decision to designate the Anglo-American School of Moscow a “foreign agent,” the latest in a series of Russian Government actions that have forced the closure of the Anglo-American School.

The Anglo-American School, first established in 1949, has provided an excellent educational curriculum to children both of foreign diplomats and Russian citizens for decades.

It is troubling that the Russian government would single out — without legitimate cause — an established, trusted, and professional educational institution in this manner.

For 74 years the United States and Russia recognized our mutual interest in ensuring both sides’ dependent children were able to access educational opportunities without unnecessary disruption or harassment. The Russian government’s recent actions directly undermined this principle.

Official news published at https://www.state.gov/protesting-moscows-designation-of-the-anglo-american-school-as-a-foreign-agent/