July 26, 2024




SHOWAbility is looking to raise $10,000 this Giving Tuesday

Fundraising for Inclusive Arts and Disability Opportunities, A Focus on Giving Tuesday, November 28

What If you had the ability to help someone’s dream come true, who just happened to have a visible or invisible disability? ”

— Myrna Clayton

ATLANTA, GA, USA, November 16, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — As the world prepares for the season of giving, SHOWAbility, a 501c3 nonprofit organization working to create opportunities that empower performing artists across the disability spectrum to share their talents, is leading the charge to illuminate the transformative power of the arts in driving social change for the disability community.

With a focus on inclusivity, diversity, and empowerment, SHOWAbility is poised to make a lasting impact on performing artists with disabilities and invites individuals, corporations, and organizations alike, to join in supporting their mission and vision on Giving Tuesday, November 28.

”Since its inception, SHOWAbility’s mission has been to break barriers and reshape the narrative around arts and disability,” says Myrna Clayton, an international jazz singer, U.S. Cultural Ambassador, and founder/executive director of the Atlanta-based SHOWAbility. “Talent should know no bounds. However, there exists an unfortunate reality where many talented individuals with disabilities face unmet needs and limited opportunities to showcase their abilities. We’re working to change that at SHOWAbility and this year, the spotlight is on addressing some critical issues like creating and identifying performance opportunities, as well as enhancing awareness of venue accessibility,” Clayton said.

In a recent online fundraising campaign launched by SHOWAbility, the organization shares highlights of some of its program initiatives including the formation of the SHOWAbility INCLUSIVE CHORUS, comprised of talented singers with and without disabilities. The organization also hosts monthly PATHWAYS Masterclasses featuring actors, artists, legislators, and disability advocates sharing their success journeys. Also, this year, SHOWAbility kicked off the planning phases of its vanguard programs, “Spotlight: Music & Acting Pilot Program for middle school students with disabilities, which will be launched in Spring and Summer of 2024.

The work SHOWAbility has been doing is catching the attention and support of organizations like the Georgia Council of the Arts; Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta; Genesis Inspiration Foundation; LuluMa, etc. The organization’s I-CHORUS has also performed at The Coca-Cola Company’s International Day of Disability in December 2022 and at Atlanta’s High Museum of Art and the 33rd ADA Celebration Rally this past summer. With its north star being for the arts/entertainment industry what the Paralympics and Special Olympics are for the sports industry – showcasing talent and excellence, the I-CHORUS looks forward to performing the National Anthem at a major sporting event, in the near future.

“At 26 percent of the U.S. population with $500 billion of spending power, people with disabilities are a significant, but untapped and underserved community and SHOWAbility wants to help change that in the area of performing arts and entertainment,” shared Clayton. “We believe that everyone deserves a stage and support from individuals, organizations, and corporations on Giving Tuesday can make a profound difference in the lives of talented individuals with disabilities,” she continued. “We want people to ask themselves, “What If you had the ability to help someone’s dream come true, who just happened to have a visible or invisible disability? By donating to SHOWAbility, they would be contributing to a movement that goes beyond the stage, creating a world where everyone’s abilities are celebrated,” she said.

For more information about SHOWAbility, visit SHOWAbility.org, where you can make a secure online donation. SHOWAbility would also appreciate your spreading the word about what they are doing and are also looking for volunteers in the Atlanta area.

Please also follow SHOWAbility on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Norma Stanley
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SHOWAbility’s Inclusive Chorus

Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as SHOWABILITY LEADING THE WAY FOR PERFORMING ARTISTS WITH DISABILITIES