July 26, 2024

These Fukken Feelings” Clinches the “People’s Choice Podcast Award” in Health Category

These Fukken Feelings” Clinches the “People’s Choice Podcast Award” in Health Category

Excitement Soars High for Season 3 as the Podcast Continues Its Commitment to Authentic Discussions on Mental Health

Mental health is a journey, not a destination. It’s about progress, not perfection,” notes Micah Bravery, moderator of “These Fukken Feelings Podcast©.”

— Micah Bravery

COHOES, NY, USA, October 4, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — One of the resonant voices in the realm of podcasts addressing mental health and wellness, “These Fukken Feelings Podcast©,” proudly steps into the spotlight with its recent accolade – the “People’s Choice Podcast Award” in the health category. As this victory is celebrated, the anticipation for its upcoming Season 3 in November is palpable.

Micah Bravery, the charismatic moderator of the show, passionately shares, “We have always believed in the philosophy that mental health wellness isn’t a one-size-fits-all. Everyone’s journey is different. While there are countless paths to healing, what’s vital is to find the one that resonates with you. As we edge closer to Season 3, our commitment is unwavering – to introduce our listeners to a plethora of healing methods that have stood the test of experience.”

The podcast, in its tenure, has seen an astronomical rise in its popularity. It didn’t take long for it to cement its place among the top ten in the Mental Health category on Apple Podcasts. Rebecca, a co-host of the dynamic trio steering the show, reflects, “It’s still surreal. When we embarked on this journey, we often pondered, ‘Would people really be interested in tuning into our take on mental health?’. The overwhelming feedback, engagement, and heartwarming stories from our listeners answered that in volumes.”

Curious fans have raised eyebrows on the rather abrupt culmination of Season 2.5, which wrapped up after a mere 24 episodes. Addressing this, Micah elucidates, “The sheer magnitude of our success was something we hadn’t anticipated. With the growing reach and influence, there was a dawning realization – the need to constantly evolve and be the best versions of ourselves. It was this introspection that led us to take a brief respite, ensuring that the content we delivered was both authentic and impactful.”

It’s intriguing to traverse the podcast’s journey. Season 2, although fleeting with just 8 episodes, sowed the seeds for what was to come. “Life has its uncanny way of throwing curveballs, leading to a brief divergence in our paths. However, the undying spirit of the show and our commitment meant that it was only a matter of time before we converged. The inception of Season 2.5 was a manifestation of this reunion,” reminisces Micah.

Authenticity has been the cornerstone of “These Fukken Feelings Podcast©”. The platform has consistently championed unscripted, genuine dialogues, letting its guests be vulnerable, real, and strikingly honest. The promise for Season 3? More in-depth conversations and a myriad of enlightening interviews. Crystal, the shows producer, earnestly remarks, “Our interactions and stories have made it abundantly clear – there’s a world out there seeking solace, guidance, and most importantly, understanding. From heart-wrenching feedback to desperate calls for guidance, we understand the weight of our responsibility. We’re not professionals; we’re advocates for healing and peace.”

The unveiling of Season 3, slated for November 1, holds a pledge to its audience – a commitment to be the beacon of hope, guiding listeners towards valuable resources, amplifying diverse voices, and celebrating stories of resilience in mental health and well-being. “There’s been ample buzz around potentially adding another day to our podcasting schedule. While it’s a tantalizing prospect, we’re taking it one step at a time,” Micah hints with a smile.

It’s essential to underline that while “These Fukken Feelings©” is a passionate advocate for mental health, it doesn’t tout itself as a professional advisory entity. “Our aim is, and always has been, to foster a space of healing and peace. We’re here to share, support, and learn together. The narratives we present are personal experiences, triumphs, and struggles, aiming to resonate and offer solace,” adds Rebecca.

Join the award-winning ensemble of “These Fukken Feelings Podcast©” on November 1 for the inaugural episode of Season 3. Embark on a journey of introspection, understanding, and growth, as the podcast weaves tales of courage, resilience, and an undying quest for peace.

About These Fukken Feelings:
An ode to the myriad shades of human emotions, “These Fukken Feelings Podcast©” is more than just a podcast. It’s a movement, a community that brings to the forefront real stories, candid conversations, and a deep dive into the world of mental health. While it staunchly champions the cause, it humbly acknowledges its role – not as a professional guide, but as a beacon of hope, sharing, and camaraderie.

Media Contact: These Fukken Feelings Podcast©
Ashtrine Doll
[email protected]
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These Fukken Feelings Podcast
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Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as These Fukken Feelings” Clinches the “People’s Choice Podcast Award” in Health Category