U.S. Countermeasures in Response to Russia’s Violations of the New START Treaty
The United States is committed to full and mutual implementation of the New START Treaty. Consistent with that commitment, the United States has adopted lawful countermeasures in response to the Russian Federation’s ongoing violations of the New START Treaty. The Russian Federation’s purported suspension of the New START Treaty is legally invalid. As a result, Russia remains bound by its New START Treaty obligations, and is violating the Treaty by failing to fulfill many of those obligations.
U.S. countermeasures are fully consistent with international law. They are proportionate, reversible, and meet all other legal requirements. International law permits such measures in order to induce a state to return to compliance with its international obligations.
The United States notified Russia of the countermeasures in advance, and conveyed the United States’ desire and readiness to reverse the countermeasures and fully implement the treaty if Russia returns to compliance. The United States remains ready to work constructively with Russia on resuming implementation of the New START Treaty. Additional information on these countermeasures is available in our fact sheet: U.S. Countermeasures in Response to Russia’s Violations of the New START Treaty – United States Department of State. Additional details on Russia’s invalid suspension of and noncompliance with the New START Treaty are available in our fact sheet: Russian Noncompliance with and Invalid Suspension of the New START Treaty – United States Department of State.
Official news published at https://www.state.gov/u-s-countermeasures-in-response-to-russias-violations-of-the-new-start-treaty-2/